
Showing posts from 2014

Track Internal Campaigns to Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager

If you use Google Analytics (GA) in your website, then you're probably already tracking your external campaigns properly. But are you tracking your internal campaigns as well? These are marketing campaigns that you run within your website, like homepage banners that link to promoted products. External campaigns are tracked with GA's built-in utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content and utm_term parameters to identify the marketing campaigns that drive users to your website. However, for internal campaigns, you shouldn't use these utm_source / utm_medium / etc tracking. If you do, GA replaces your external campaign tracking with these internal ones. There are four ways to track internal campaigns in GA: Method Pros Cons Enhanced Ecommerce's Promotions Designed for internal campaign reporting, built into GA Report is limited to Ecommerce's metrics Events Quick to setup and understand Limited to clicks on links, doesn't encapsula...