Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics terminologies cheat sheet

When going from an Adobe Analytics world to a Google Analytics world or vice versa, you're bound to face terminologies that you're unfamiliar with, mainly because of how both products have evolved in their functionality over time.

But never fear! Here's a handy cheat sheet to help you know what something in Adobe Analytics is similar (but not always equivalent!) to in Google Analytics, or the other way around.

Base Terminologies
Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Remarks
Report Suite Property Besides data storage, an Adobe Analytics Report Suite provides the primary reporting interface.

A Google Analytics Property does not have a reporting interface. Instead, its reporting interface is a View.
Virtual Report Suite View An Adobe Analytics Virtual Report Suite is based on applying a segment to a Report Suite.

A Google Analytics View is based on applying many filters to a Property.
Visitor ID Client ID Modern implementations of Adobe Analytics rely on the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service to provide the Visitor ID, which is a common visitor ID across all Adobe Experience Platform products.
Unique Visitor User
Visit Session Learn more about the measurement differences.

Traffic Source
Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Remarks
Referrer Source when Medium is "referrer"
Tracking Code (Campaign) Source / Medium / Campaign / Ad Content / Keyword Strictly speaking, this is not comparing like-for-like.

In Adobe Analytics, Tracking Code is a special kind of Conversion Variable. It does not replace the Traffic Source.

In Google Analytics, Source / Medium / Campaign / Ad Content / Keyword are synonymous with Traffic Source.
Marketing Channel Channel Group

Site Content Pages
Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Remarks
Page Page
Entry Page Landing Page
Exit Page Exit Page
Page Not Found N/A
Server Hostname
Site Section (Channel) N/A
Hierarchy N/A Google Analytics derives a hierarchy (Content Drilldown) from Page.
N/A Content Group In Adobe Analytics, a Traffic Variable can be setup to record this.
Page View Pageview
N/A Unique Pageview In Adobe Analytics, "Visit" can be used in place of this.
Bounce Rate Bounce Rate

Site Content Links/Events
Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Remarks
Custom Link Event Category/Action/Label Adobe Analytics provides one field name, whereas Google Analytics provides three field names.
Download Link Event Category/Action/Label when used to track a download link Adobe Analytics provides one field name, whereas Google Analytics provides three field names.
Exit Link Event Category/Action/Label when used to track an exit/outbound link Adobe Analytics provides one field name, whereas Google Analytics provides three field names.
Custom/Download/Exit Link Instance Event
N/A Unique Event In Adobe Analytics, "Visit" can be used in place of this.
N/A Event Value In Adobe Analytics, a "Numeric" Success Event can be setup to record this.

Custom Dimensions and Metrics
Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Remarks
Traffic Variable (prop) Custom Dimension (hit-scoped)
Traffic Variable (prop) Custom Dimension (hit-scoped)
Traffic List Variable N/A
Conversion Variable (eVar) with "Most Recent" allocation and "Hit" expiry Custom Dimension (hit-scoped)
Conversion Variable (eVar) with "Most Recent" allocation and "Visit" expiry Custom Dimension (session-scoped)
Conversion Variable (eVar) with "Most Recent" allocation and "Never" expiry Custom Dimension (user-scoped)
Conversion Variable (eVar) with other allocations and/or other expiries N/A
Merchandising Conversion Variable (eVar) with "Most Recent" allocation and "Hit" expiry Custom Dimension (product-scoped)
Merchandising Conversion Variable (eVar) with other allocations and/or other expiries N/A
Success Event of "Counter" type and "Record Once Per Visit" Goal Conversion The Adobe Analytics Success Event must be set in the tracking code.

Google Analytics' Goals are configured in the Admin interface based on Pages, Events, Page Views per Visit or Time on Site.
Success Event of "Counter" type Custom Metric (hit-scoped) of "Integer" type with value "1"
Success Event of "Counter" type set with Products Custom Metric (product-scoped) of "Integer" type with value "1"
Success Event of "Numeric" type Custom Metric (hit-scoped) of "Integer" type with any value
Success Event of "Numeric" type set with Products Custom Metric (product-scoped) of "Integer" type with any value
Success Event of "Currency" type Custom Metric (hit-scoped) of "Currency" type
Success Event of "Currency" type set with Products Custom Metric (product-scoped) of "Currency" type
N/A Custom Metric (hit-scoped) of "Time" type In Adobe Analytics, a "Counter" Success Event can be used in a Calculated Metric with a "Time" format to report this.
N/A Custom Metric (product-scoped) of "Time" type In Adobe Analytics, a "Numeric" Success Event can be used in a Calculated Metric with a "Time" format to report this.

Adobe Analytics Google Analytics Remarks
Category Product Category Google Analytics allows for drilldowns in Product Category (with Enhanced E-commerce only).
Product, if product name is set Product Adobe Analytics does not dictate if the "Product" field should be the product's name or SKU.

If "Product" is used to record the product name, then a Merchandising Conversion Variable can be setup to record the product SKU.
Product, if product SKU is set Product SKU Adobe Analytics does not dictate if the "Product" field should be the product's name or SKU.

If "Product" is used to record the product SKU, then a Merchandising Conversion Variable can be setup to record the product name.
N/A Product Brand In Adobe Analytics, a Merchandising Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Product Variant In Adobe Analytics, a Merchandising Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Product Coupon Code In Adobe Analytics, a Merchandising Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Product List View (Product Impression) In Adobe Analytics, a "Counter" Success Event can be setup to record this.
N/A Product List Click (Product Click) In Adobe Analytics, a "Counter" Success Event can be setup to record this.
Product View Product Detail View
Cart N/A In Google Analytics, a hit-scoped "Integer" Custom Metric can be setup to track this.
Cart Addition Product Add
Cart Removal Product Remove
Cart View N/A In Google Analytics, a hit-scoped "Integer" Custom Metric can be setup to track this.
Checkout Product Checkout
Order Transaction
Unit (when reported with Order) Quantity
Unit (when reported with Product) Product Quantity
Revenue (when reported with Order) Revenue
Revenue (when reported with Product) Product Revenue
N/A Average Price In Adobe Analytics, a Calculated Metric (based on Revenue / Unit) can be setup to report this.
N/A Tax In Adobe Analytics, a "Currency" Success Event can be setup to record this.
N/A Shipping In Adobe Analytics, a "Currency" Success Event can be setup to record this.
N/A Transaction ID In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Affiliation In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Order Coupon Code In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Internal Promotion Name In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Internal Promotion ID In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Internal Promotion Creative In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Internal Promotion Position In Adobe Analytics, a Conversion Variable can be setup to record this.
N/A Internal Promotion View (Internal Promotion Impression) In Adobe Analytics, a "Counter" Success Event can be setup to record this.
N/A Internal Promotion Click In Adobe Analytics, a "Counter" Success Event can be setup to record this.

Is this list missing something in Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics? Leave a comment to let me know, and I'll do my best to update this list with your suggestion(s).


  1. nice overview! regarding custom dimension I would add a remark that expiry in AA and scope in GA are handled differently. In AA expiry only applies values to subsequent requests until expiry while GA backfills all preceding hits of the scope (session or user) as well and always the last value wins (see

    1. I chose to leave out such detail because it would overwhelm this cheat sheet. I assume that the analyst would know what "hit/session/user-scope" and allocations/expiries mean in GA and AA respectively.


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